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Jack Ryan

How to lower your utility bill year-round in South Florida

House staying comfortable year-round with a programmable thermostat

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Finding ways to reduce your utility bill year-round here in sunny South Florida can save you a lot of money. Making a few adjustments can result in significant savings while helping you and your family stay cool. Improving the energy efficiency of your house also reduces wear and tear on your air conditioner.

Here are a few ways to decrease your utility bill.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

One way to lessen your utility costs is to install a programmable thermostat. You can raise the temperature a few degrees while you are away from home, then schedule a lower temperature for your return. Over time, these savings add up.

Replace Incandescent Lights

Incandescent lights waste nearly 90% of their energy by radiating heat throughout your home. These lights make it more difficult to cool your house. Switching your incandescent lights to LED bulbs is an energy-efficient solution. LED lights also are more eco-friendly than incandescent light bulbs.

Purchase Blackout Curtains

Blackout curtains throughout your home block out light and keep your home cooler. In addition, blackout curtains are great at insulating your windows because of their design. Using blackout curtains is especially beneficial if you work at night and need to sleep during the day.

Schedule an HVAC Inspection

Be proactive by scheduling an HVAC inspection. A licensed technician will inspect your entire system to ensure it is working correctly. These professionals can make adjustments to improve the efficiency of your home and perform repairs to extend the life of your system. Inspections once a year is recommended .

Closing Thoughts

These simple tips can result in significant cost savings. Installing a programmable thermostat, switching to LED lights and scheduling regular HVAC inspections are just a few ways to reduce your utility bill without cutting comfort.


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