An action shot of the traditional dresses of Mexico.
Photo by Sydney Rae
Fiesta de Pueblo, or Three Kings Day, is the largest Hispanic multicultural and art festival in Palm Beach County. The celebration of Hispanic culture through music, food, art and commerce is being held March 5 at Samuel J. Ferreri Community Park in Greenacres.
The annual event is hosted by Fiesta de Pueblo Inc., a nonprofit whose goal is to educate and empower Hispanics and other underserved communities in Palm Beach County.
The sponsors include the Hispanic Political Action Committee, the Sheriff’s Office of Palm Beach County, the Hilton Palm Beach Airport and Target.
Fiesta de Pueblo offers regional foods and treats, such as piña coladas, tostones, maduros, chilaquiles, arepas and empanadas.

The festival also showcases Latin dances, including Argentina’s tango, Puerto Rico’s salsa and Mexico’s cumbia.
The festival also includes a business expo.
Marking the 12th day of Christmas, Three Kings Day commemorates the biblical tale of the arrival of Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar in Bethlehem to bring gifts to the baby Jesus after following the Estrella (Star) de Belén.
Almost 30% of Latin countries celebrate this festival, where the day starts with food and drinks and the night ends with children leaving grass in a shoebox for the kings’ camels.
For more information on the festival, visit fiestadepueblo.com, or follow social media @fiestadepueblo.